U.S. Supreme Court Hears Case Related to Insular Cases |
Early this week the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on a case related to the Insular Cases of the early 1900s.
Today, the Insular Cases deny U.S. territories equal rights and protections under the constitution and stifle the territories' ability to self govern and receive equitable federal treatment.
As Congresswoman Stacey E. Plaskett stated in a press statement, "the millions of Americans living within territories, including those in my district, are no less American than those living within the fifty states."
This week, the Congresswoman and other Members of Congress introduced a resolution condemning the Insular Cases and rejecting their use in present and future cases and controversies. Until this is done, until those cases decided on racists doctrines are overturned democracy is not complete. |
Congresswoman Stacey E. Plaskett Visits Medical Facilities
Congresswoman Plaskett at Plessen Healthcare |
During her October district work period, Congresswoman Plaskett met with a number of different medical stakeholders in the community (Plessen Healthcare, the Frederiksted Health Center, JFL) to hear their concerns and needs as well as the progress being made regarding healthcare locally. The Congresswoman was also able to sit with local dialysis patients to hear of the difficulties they face on a regular basis. One healthcare center shared that on St. Croix alone there are at least 15,000 people that deal with some type of chronic disease. They also reinforced the importance of adequate Medicaid funding for the territory, relaying that at any given medical center numbers 85-90% of patients rely on Medicaid for healthcare. These numbers further highlight the imperative nature of the work currently being done by the Congresswoman and her office to increase the current Medicaid cap for the Virgin Islands.
Congresswoman Plaskett Chairs Subcommittee Hearing |
Click here to watch the hearing |
On Thursday, Congresswoman Plaskett chaired a hearing in her Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research Subcommittee. The hearing focused on the implementation of USDA research programs which were established in the 2018 Farm Bill. As chairwoman, Congresswoman Plaskett's goal is to ensure that the USDA gets resources to researchers as quickly and effectively as possible.
Land grant universities such as the University of the Virgin Islands depend on resources such as the $3 million they've recently received from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) for their agriculture research. The delivery of these resources has been threatened by the relocation of two major research agencies – the Economic Research Service and NIFA, both of which are now massively understaffed. |
Congresswoman Stacey E. Plaskett Meets with Virgin Islands Senators |
Congresswoman Plaskett with members of the 33rd Legislature |
Recently, Congresswoman Stacey E. Plaskett met with V.I. Senators to share updates on the work being done by her office, specifically regarding the Medicaid Cliff, FEMA Public Assistance cost-share waiver, and the V.I. gasoline excise tax. Each of the senators also had the opportunity to share and discuss with the Congresswoman the issues they felt are most pressing within the territory. Among the issues raised were public safety and gun control, ongoing recovery efforts, and the need for immediate attention to the living conditions within a number of housing communities. A recurring theme highlighted by the Congresswoman was the need to break down any existing silos and work collaboratively. All parties in attendance affirmed their commitment to working collectively to help further the interests of our territory.
Community Reminders |
Applications for Military Academy nominations are due on OCTOBER 31ST and are open to high school juniors. Find the application at plaskett.house.gov
Next month Congresswoman Plaskett will be holding veteran and postal issues town halls on St. Thomas (Nov. 5th) and St. Croix (Nov.6th), stay tuned for further information on these events. |
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ST. THOMAS, VI 00802
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