Press Releases

Trump’s Racist Comment Does Not Reflect the Goodness of America

“As a proud member of Congress representing the U.S. Virgin Islands, I believe Trump’s latest divisive comment shows that the President has no idea what makes this country great, again,” stated Congresswoman Plaskett

Washington, D.C. –Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett (USVI), issued the following statement about the destructive comment by President Trump:

“The decision by the President of the United States to use profanity to describe African, Central American and Caribbean countries yesterday is not only a low point for this president; it is a low point for our nation. His despicable comment cannot be defended by his handlers, who often call his flippant remarks nothing out of the ordinary. The president must understand that he is no longer a private citizen. He is now the President of the United States and should understand that a racist comment by the Commander in Chief can undermine the very fabric of this country along with that of our Allies.

“America is a country of different languages, races, and lifestyles and we have managed to craft a democracy that is still vibrant today. Immigrants have made America great, again and again, and again. I am proud of America and the immigrants who leave everything behind in search of a new and better life here in the United States.

“The supporters of the president have to come to grips with a Commander in Chief who is reckless and out of control. This weekend we will celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As Dr. King fought then, we fight today against those seeking to implement newer forms of racial segregation.”