Press Releases


Press Statement


Washington, DC - Congresswoman Stacey E. Plaskett released the following statement regarding Memorial Day:

“On behalf of my staff, my family, and myself, I’d like to pay tribute to the brave men and women of the Virgin Islands and across the nation who have died in service to our country. I’d also like to recognize and express my sympathies to the families who have lost their loved ones.

“This somber holiday of remembrance requires us to hold dear the memories of the servicemen and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice protecting American lives and values. Since the United States purchased the Virgin Islands over a century ago, the islands and our people have been important parts of the U.S. Armed Forces.

“One of the most important ways in which we should honor these brave Americans is by doing our part as a nation, a territory and as individuals to ensure that the families they have left behind and the members of the U.S Armed Forces who make it home are well taken care of. If we negate this duty, we are dishonoring the memory of the men and women that this day was created to memorialize. We cannot dishonor their memory.

“On Monday morning as the U.S. flag is raised to half-staff, we will remember the fallen. As it is raised to full-staff at noon, we will remember that the sacrifices of the fallen have allowed the living, and the values of our great nation to continue to stand.”
