Press Releases


WASHINGTON, D.C. –Ranking Member of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Stacey Plaskett sent a letter to Jim Jordan, Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary regarding her concerns about the insidious plan to dismantle our democracy and threaten the American people through Trump and the Heritage Foundations Presidential Transition Plan, popularly called - Project 2025.

“As the Ranking Member of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, I recognize my responsibility to bring to Representative Jordan’s attention topics which warrant hearings and staff investigation of individuals and especially agencies and whole administrations which seek to weaponize our federal government against the people of this country.

“In my letter to Chairman Jordan, I request that the select subcommittee examine, investigate and hold public hearing(s) on a clear and present danger to our federal system - what is known as the Presidential Transition Plan or more commonly, Project 2025. This plan’s architects wish to impose a dictatorial revolution on the American People through the Project. This is an explicit plan by some of the closest policymakers and advisors to former President Donald J. Trump to organize an oppressive authoritarian state upon the re-election of Donald Trump to office in January 2025. Project 2025 is a plan to weaponize the federal government and I request that this select subcommittee hold a hearing to take its threats seriously.

“Project 2025’s articulated plans to subjugate the Department of Justice to President Trump’s whims, dismantle the Federal Bureau of Investigations which had been working to ensure that no one is above the law and eliminate the Departments of Education and Commerce among other actions, will make our nation less safe, less smart and less wealthy. By any measure, it is a playbook to consciously weaken our nation.” 
