Press Releases


For Immediate Release                             Contact: Tionee Scotland

July 9, 2024                                                    202-808-6129

Ranking Member Stacey E. Plaskett provided the following opening statement on the eleventh hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

*Please note that the text that is included below is not the full statement*

From the early days of our nation's formation, our founding fathers were very clear -The upkeep of democracy requires constant, proactive maintenance.

“In his letters to fellow Founding Father and his political opponent John Taylor, then former President John Adams wrote, ‘Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. Those passions are the same in all men under all forms of government, when unchecked produce the same effects of fraud. Violence and cruelty.’

“American democracy has always been a question of progress, not finality. Democracy has been given to us. With the blood, sweat, tears, and efforts of Americans who came before us.

“We struggled long and hard to build and protect every democratic institution we have. Indeed, our country's dark past, the very foundation of our economic juggernaut on the world was premised on a sick institution called slavery. That some now want to even erase. This democracy that our ancestors struggled to bring us all into.

“Falls do not happen overnight, but the signs are there if you want to see them.

“In this country, the right for a woman to choose what to do with her body, stripped away in 15 states, immigrant children being stripped away from their families. The gains of Black Americans for fair representation, voting rights, and the creation of an even playing field, stripped away.

“Slowly but surely, the structures, the laws, and the institutions intended to make the nation great have been and continue to be eroded. Not to mention the souls of the human race—minorities, in particular—being eroded every day by injustices. We have a blueprint that shows us how that's being done.

“Project 2025 plans to upend structures, institutions, and the basic rights that have supposedly been afforded to Americans to make it great. It's a playbook for Donald Trump's second term and a plan for the destruction of America as we know it. Despite flashy headlines printed over American flags and the likes of obnoxious men who give loud speeches about their love for making America great again. Project 2025 delivers no such thing. Project 2025 will slowly but surely strip away our rights.

“I've asked for a hearing about Project 2025 because I believe it is a dire warning to us all of an individual and others around him desire to weaponize the government for their own empowerment. It will rip our experts out of agencies to be replaced by sycophant political appointees. It will strip women of even more health care access and rights and will further dehumanize undocumented immigrants and punish their family members, even those who are American citizens, for daring to be associated with them. It will restrict free speech in schools to only allow far right approved agendas and curriculum. It will erode our freedoms all under the vague guise of making America great.

“And yes, because it is a grand Republican plan, Project 2025 calls for severe cuts to Medicare and Social Security. I'm not just saying that. The authors of Project 2025 are saying that.

“Project 2025 is something that's going to transcend the next 4 years, the next 10 years. It really is, for the first time in the history of the conservative movement, the apparatus for policy and personnel. We are in the process of the 2nd American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

View the full opening statement here.

View the full transcript here.
