Press Releases


For Immediate Release                             Contact: Tionee Scotland

July 20, 2024                                                    202-808-6129

Today, Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett joins her colleagues in mourning the passing of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18).

“Congresswoman Jackson Lee was a tremendous leader and fierce advocate for women and minorities,” said Congresswoman Plaskett.  “I relied on her intellect, her legal acumen, and her example of grit and disciplined, hard work. She was my true big sister - a fellow child of the Caribbean raised in New York City. She is an example of fulfilling the biblical mandate that to whom much is given and sacrificed for, much is required. Sheila gave her all! 

“Her unwavering dedication to public service should be an inspiration to us all and drive us to continue our relentless pursuit for a more just society and continue the work to protect our democracy.

“The Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee will be dearly missed by my staff, House Democrats, and myself. We lost a trailblazer in the House. It is up to us to keep her legacy going. I offer my deepest condolences to her staff and entire family.”
