Press Releases


For Immediate Release                             Contact: Tionee Scotland

November 3rd, 2023                                                    340-201-6453



Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Plaskett released the following statement:

“As an American and a Member of Congress, I feel a strong responsibility to protect human rights, defend the innocent, and uphold democracy worldwide. Having lived through the attack in our country on September 11th, 2001, and having served as a politically appointed lawyer in the Justice Department in the attack’s immediate aftermath, I am keenly aware of the desire to protect the homeland of the U.S., but also aware of mistakes made in our 20 plus year war on terrorism.

“I am a person of color and a Virgin Islander; I come from a diverse community where people of various backgrounds, including Christians, Muslims, and Jews, have lived in peace. From that background, I understand the need to support those who have been displaced, persecuted, and seek a peaceful future. The hostilities in Gaza have deeply troubled me.

“I condemn the Hamas attacks on innocent Israeli civilians and in the days after expressed that. When invited, I went to hold space with my Jewish neighbors in person, on the phone and at our local synagogue in St. Thomas, USVI. I am also grateful for time spent and meaningful discussions with Palestinian-Americans around the country and at home in the Virgin Islands.  I am deeply concerned and heartbroken over the escalating violence that has claimed the lives of thousands of innocent Palestinian women, children, and men in Gaza. I am grateful for meaningful discussions I have had with Palestinian-Americans around the country and at home.

In my role in the House of Representatives, I've advocated for a safe corridor to evacuate civilians and provide humanitarian aid. I'm disappointed by the absence of any of the humanitarian aid to Gaza requested by the Biden-Harris administration in the new House Speaker’s recently proposed, highly partisan Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Bill (H.R.6126), which the House adopted largely along party lines. 

“In recent weeks, I have discussed several key points with my colleagues and administration officials:

  1. I can condemn Hamas and support Israel's right to self-defense while calling for a temporary cessation of hostilities and safe passage for civilians and humanitarian aid to Gaza.
  2. I can acknowledge Israel's right to exist as a state, while critiquing Israel's military objectives and previous actions of the Netanyahu government and expressing concerns about settler incursion in the West Bank.
  3. We must address the weaponization of hate, including anti-immigrant rhetoric, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and white supremacy, which fuel domestic violence. We must stand together for equality and peace.

“The administration and congressional leaders must use their power to bring Israeli and Palestinian leadership together for a long-term resolution to the conflict that can lead to a peaceful two-state solution. These are my goals as I work with my colleagues, the Biden-Harris administration, and my community to find a resolution to the cycle of violence, inequity, and division in the region.”
