Press Releases


For Immediate Release                                          Contact: Tionee Scotland
February 28, 2025                                                           202-808-6129



St. Croix, USVI – This week, Congresswoman Plaskett (D-VI-AL) and her Republican colleague, Congressman Russ Fulcher (R-ID-1) reintroduced legislation to request an assessment of the value, cost, and feasibility of developing a Trans-Atlantic submarine fiber optic cable which will connect the East coast of the United States, via the United States Virgin Islands, with Nigeria and Ghana.    

“I am pleased to reintroduce legislation known as the ‘DiasporaLink Act’ with my colleague, Congressman Fulcher. This bill represents an opportunity to establish high-speed Internet connection to Africa and throughout the Caribbean from American soil, which will enhance America’s national security data and communication interests in the regions. In the legislation, this Trans-Atlantic submarine fiber optic cable will intersect in the U.S. Virgin Islands.  The DiasporaLink Act is envisioned as both a national security instrument and a digital commerce expressway to boost America’s global, political, economic, and military advantages and influences. This act will ensure the region is not forgotten as it confronts increasing regional political instability and transnational criminal activity,” stated Congresswoman Stacey E. Plaskett.

Congressman Russ Fulcher shared, "The DiasporaLink Act, H.R. 1737, will give the U.S. access to the necessary insights to address counterterrorism and inform AFRICOM on critical strategic matters. Undersea cables to carry critical data between the U.S. and Africa represent a vital link between the strategic location of the U.S. Virgin Islands and the continent of Africa."

“Thank you to Congressman Fulcher for his continued support of this legislation as well as Energy & Commerce Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone (D – New Jersey) and Energy & Commerce Committee Chair Brett Guthrie (R – Kentucky) for their stewardship of this initiative. The reintroduction of this bill is one step in the legislative process. Legislation does not become law until passed by the House, passed by the Senate, then signed by the President. I am hopeful this measure will be considered by the full House in short order, and my team and I will be working to have companion measures considered by the Senate,” shared Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett.


Presently, there is no direct fiber optic link between the US and the continent of Africa. Africa is increasingly an area that presents dynamic economic opportunity for our country as well as national security challenges that must be addressed. The Virgin Islands is strategically positioned in the transit zones to fight transnational crime and protect U.S. national and regional security in the Caribbean as well as be a safe hub for optic between the 2 continents. The Trans-Atlantic submarine fiber optic cable network’s strategic location makes DiasporaLink a “Digital Safe Harbor” under the U.S. flag. This service will provide African and Caribbean submarine operators and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) a clear channel to U.S. financial and business centers. In addition, undersea cables have significant strategic importance and an estimated 400 of them carry approximately 98 percent of international internet data as well as telephone traffic around the world. Many are owned and operated by U.S. companies — helping reinforce U.S. dominance over the internet while giving a sense of security to the U.S. and its allies that may be concerned about sabotage or surveillance.  Having the hub in the U.S. Virgin Islands is a significant 21st century paradigm shift; it allows our islands’ advantages, many of which have been used for the benefit of other world powers (i.e. the VI’s geostrategic location), to be utilized for the benefit of our people.  DiasporaLink in the USVI will make it a hub for commerce in the global digital economy and will stimulate high tech job opportunities for Virgin Islanders and attract digital users to the territory.

In the 118th Congress, this legislation passed through the House Energy & Commerce Committee with unanimous support, passed the House of Representatives and was sent on to the Senate.
